Kabusecha Asuka organic 25 g Green tea
Kabusecha Asuka organic 25 g Green tea
Kabusecha Asuka is an organic green tea from Japan. In its cultivation, the same methods have been used as in the cultivation of matcha and gyokuro, because the bushes are covered from the sun before harvesting. The difference, however, is that the covering time is about half as short as in matcha cultivation. Organic certification FI-EKO-201 produced in Japan.
The taste of tea has foodiness, i.e. umami, and sweetness, which distinguishes it from e.g. from gyokuro. Brewing: a generous teaspoon per 2 dl of water at 60-70 C, with the first brew for 2 min and with the second brew for 1 min.
Note! We sell tea by the gram, so the tea is packed in one bag. For example, if you order 2 pieces of tea, it is 50 grams in total, which is packed in one bag.